Tuesday 21 August 2007

Study 'backs' couple's A&E fight

A couple's court battle to try and keep Rochdale Infirmary's A&E department open has been vindicated by a new study, their solicitor has claimed - according to the BBC.

University researchers have found the further patients travel to hospital, the more likely they are to die.

David and Lisa-Louise Fitton say they need an A&E department close to their home because their son suffers fits. Solicitor Richard Scorer said the couple used a similar argument in their application for a judicial review.

Researchers from the University of Sheffield said their data suggested longer journeys to hospital for seriously ill patients could lead to an increase in mortality.

They argue the study proves more research was needed into government plans to downgrade many A&E departments across the country in favour of regional super units.

Rochdale is among the hospitals set to have its department downgraded to an 'urgent care centre', leaving Jordan facing a 25-minute journey to an A&E department.

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