Thursday 18 October 2007

Wimbledon: £36m council cuts spark job loss fears

More than 50 jobs are set to be axed and services cut back as a council struggles to balance its books - reports the South London Press.

Bean counters at Merton civic centre have worked out that the authority needs to save
£14.4million in the next financial year (2008/09), £13.4million in 2009/10, plus £8.9million in 2010/11.

The authority, like many other councils, will not be receiving enough money from the Government to run all of the services it currently provides and will be hit hard by increases in expenses including landfill tax charges.

A report setting out a list of money-saving proposals, including more than 50 job cuts, was being presented to Monday's cabinet meeting. The budget will be finalised in March.

Council leader David Williams, pictured inset, said: "We will be discussing the staffing proposals with the unions.

"If we don't get the money from the Government that we need, we have three options: to raise council tax, increase fees and charges and cut services.

"There is a four-year pledge that we will keep council tax at the same level in real terms using the retail price index - we will know the exact amount in December."

A full report about the future of day services for elderly and disabled people, including the
All Saints Centre in Wimbledon, is also due to be presented to the cabinet at a meeting in December.

The cost-cutting measures will begin at the end of a three-year programme to save £10million that began in 2005/6.

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