Friday 28 July 2006

Dorset: County council cuts libraries

The Blackmore Vale magazine reports on page 124 that swingeing cuts are being planned to Dorset's libraries in a bid by the County Council to bridge a funding gap.

The article states that: "A reduction in social care provision and the closure of a number of libraries across the county will not bridge Dorset County Council's funding gap.

"Further measures, including redundancies at County Hall are to be taken over the next three years to achieve potential savings of £20 million."

Surely it can't be right that the government is unable to find the money to provide Dorset with enough to sustain these essential local services, but can find the money to increase payments to the audit-failing EU by an extremely generous 63%.

Let's hope Dorset's MPs don't vote for such an obvious failure to properly prioritise scarce public resources, when the EU budget deal that pledged this increase comes before Parliament for approval.

Certainly the claims of MPs that vote for the terrible EU deal will never be able to claim credibly that they are standing up for public services.

Article submitted by: B.W., Dorset

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