Friday 14 July 2006

Oxfordshire: Stark warning on NHS cuts

A report by Oxfordshire County Council's director for social and community services, Charles Waddicor, issues a stark warning about the cuts being proposed to health services in Oxfordshire - reports the Oxford Times.

He makes it clear that the rush to cut services to keep within budget is being made with little thought about the impact on services provided by other authorities like the county council.

It is a classic example of the lack of joined-up government.

We have said before that the health authorities should not be forced to make cuts to get within budget in a short space of time. If they do have to go through this, then it should be phased over a period of two or three years.

It avoids the need for drastic decisions and it means the health authorities can take a more measured look at what they are proposing to do, including the knock-on effects of any cuts.

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