Friday 14 July 2006

Grantham: Hospital consultants speak out on plans

Consultants at Grantham Hospital have passed a vote of no confidence in managers over proposals to cut services at Grantham Hospital – reports the Grantham Journal.

Members of the hospital’s Medical Advisory Committee say their views were not taken into account by managers when the preferred option for the future of hospital services in the county was drawn up.

It includes the downgrading of A & E services, an end to most surgery, the closure of the midwife-led maternity unit and cuts to women’s and children’s services.

The changes would leave the county with just two district general hospitals, in Lincoln and Boston.

Chairman of Grantham’s medical advisory committee Stephen Vogt said: "We unanimously passed a vote of no confidence in thr Trust board in the light of the practices they were going through to map out the money-saving motivated changes to services at Grantham Hospital.

Mr Vogt said he personally was upset by plans to close Grantham’s midwife-led maternity unit.
He said: "It would be 100% spiteful to close the midwifery unit. There are a lot of people who never approved of the midwifery unit and they’ve kept their knives in their sheaths waiting to stab us."

A public consultation will be launched in November and a hospital action group has been established to co-ordinate a campaign against cuts to services.

But where is Grantham MP Quentin Davies while this devastation is being wrought to local hospital services in his constituency?

He’s busy in Westminster planning to vote a £2.5bn a year pay rise to the audit-failing EU – money that could solve NHS problems in his constituency at a stoke.

If he does vote that money away, that’s unlikely to go down well with local voters, come the next election.

Article submitted by: Mr. R.H., Grantham

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