Thursday 9 November 2006

Darlington: MP criticises town police

MP Alan Milburn has criticised Durham Police for a dramatic rise in the time it takes the force to respond to incidents in Darlington – reports The Advertiser.

Statistics from Durham Police show that the number of immediate incidents that were attended by police within ten minutes have fallen from 82.8% to 62.9%.

Mr Milburn said the response times were a ‘real cause for concern’.

The revelation comes only days after Durham Police announced that up to 300 officers could be axed from the force to stop them sliding more than £10m into debt.

Mr Milburn said: "These response times are not brilliant, and people from across Darlington have contacted me about this. I am very concerned about what I have heard."

The MP was in the Lascelles area of his constituency, where many residents were outraged when their dedicated beat bobby patrol was axed last year, despite significant rising crime levels on their estate.

Isn’t it somewhat hypocritical of an MP like Alan Milburn to complain that his local police force is not responding adequately, when it has been forced to make cuts due to a lack of money – while quietly intending to vote billions of pounds extra that could solve such local policing problems away to the audit-failing EU?

Such behaviour would surely expose his ‘concern’ about shortfalls in local policing to be nothing more than posturing, as he would appear to be unwilling to prevent public money that could help being instead wasted on the EU.

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