Friday 17 November 2006

Ealing: Three groups make final list for community award cash

Three deserving groups have been shortlisted for a local community award that will see the winner receive a £1,000 grant towards their work – reports the Ealing & Action Gazette.

Mind in Ealing, the 5th Hanwell Cubs and the Holy Cross under 5s in Greenford are the finalists for the prize, which has been donated by Barclays Bank.

The competition attracted a flood of entries of a "very high calibre", from youth clubs to support groups for children with special needs.

Readers of the Gazette were asked to nominate the ones they felt made a real difference to people’s lives.

Jeri Appiah, chief executive of Mind in Ealing, said: "This is really great to be a finalist. We do give a very good service to the community, supporting people with mental problems, in employment and helping people gain access to services."

The popularity and high number of entries to this competition shows just how many "high calibre" small groups that people feel are "making a real difference to people’s lives" are in need of even small amounts of extra money towards their work.

Put this scramble among community groups for just £1,000 – with only one lucky organisation winning the cash – next to the £6bn a year the government is planning to lavish on the EU. The injustice and waste is glaring.

If Ealing’s MPs weren’t planning to vote pay that money to the EU, when the EU budget deal comes before Parliament for approval, several thousand community groups in each Ealing constituency alone could be given £1,000 to aid their work. Every year!

Sadly this abject irresponsibility with large quantities of public money by Ealing’s MPs means only one deserving group in Ealing will get support for their work.

And an organisation that hasn’t had its accounts approved by auditors for twelve years running is getting billions more to waste.

Is this what MPs think standing up for their communities means?

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