Friday 17 November 2006

Hounslow: Green energy as school plans 15-metre turbines

A Cranford college got a step closer to its dreams of green energy this week when Hounslow Council said it could put up two wind turbines – reports the Brentford, Chiswick and Isleworth Times.

The 15-metre tall turbines planned for Cranford Community College will cost around £50,000 to install but should substantially reduce power bills and help the environment.

Julie Spiller, senior laboratory technician at the college, said that the turbines would also be a helpful tool to give pupils practical lessons in sustainable energy.

The machines will be connected to college computers so that youngsters studying geography or science can keep an eye on how much power is being generated.

If MPs weren’t going to vote £2.5bn extra a year away to the EU, 100,000 wind turbines like this could be installed on public buildings across the country every year, making a significant contribution to reducing CO2 emissions.

Surely if MPs were serious about tackling what they call the serious threat of global warming, this is what they’d choose to spend that money on.

Instead they choose to lecture us all about making drastic changes to our lifestyles, while throwing public money that could help combat the problem away on the EU.

There’s a serious credibility problem looming for MPs on climate change if they vote this £2.5bn extra every year away to the EU.

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